

Why Vite?

It feels light and simple, runs fast and is easy to customize. It tree shakes well, has tons of web features, and has best-in-class types, documentation, type-docs, RFCs and community. It also has a huge ecoystem and responsive team.

Is this production ready?

No. We think it's fun to work with already, and web is close to stable, but Native needs around half a year to get to stable. If you're planning on launching soon, we'd recommend using more proven technology.

What's breaking?

Testing, hot reloading, and general node module compatibility need work.

See the Status documentation for more.

Is this on Metro? Is it Expo Router?

No, One started as a fork of Expo Router to test and improve vxrn. To test that we ported tamagui.dev to it and enjoyed it.

To make that port work well we added render modes, loaders, middlewares, a lot of configuration to make a large amount of node_modules work, a CLI, a production Hono server, and some other smaller features.

Will you support RSC?

In the best case scenario, we'd like to build our apps as though they were completely client-side, and have smart tools and libraries make them work fast. Mostly-client-side apps are great, and RSC adds a lot of new concept to learn.

Further, once you have a great client-side data solution like Zero, you don't want to be going back to the server often, as it would degrate user experience.

Finally, we do have server rendering and loaders that are both very simple, we save a lot of effort and complexity without server components.

We'd like to explore bringing a simplified subset of RSC to One in the future.

What's the npm package?

It's one, thanks to Dan Maier.

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